Featuring powerful preaching from guests speaker from around Australia and the world, as well as uplifting music from groups and soloists from across Sydney - this is a weekend you cannot afford to miss.
THEME"Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10 GUEST SPEAKERS
Dr Tim Riesenberger (USA) [Evangelist & International speaker]
Seth Roberts [Youth Speaker & Literature Evangelist] Junior Sulusi [Youth Speaker & Theology Student] Boris Jovinov [Evangelist, Lay Pastor & Church Planter] PROGRAMFRIDAY - October 17, 2014
Session 1 @ 7:00pm - "No Other Gods" SATURDAY - October 18, 2014 Morning Prayer @ 8:00am Session 2 @ 8:30am - "Lost but Not Lost, Saved but Not Saved" Sabbath School @ 9:45am Session 3 @ 11:10am - "Truth that Transforms the World" >> LUNCH << Session 4 @ 2:30pm - "A Stony Heart: The Mystery of Iniquity" Session 5 @ 4pm - "Inseparable: Unable to be Separated or Treated Separately" |